"Too Much of a Good Thing May Lead to Too Much of a Liver As Well", By Scott LaFee, UC San Diego Health, February 24, 2020
"More than Just a Carnival Trick: Researchers Can Guess Your Age Based on Your Microbes", by Heather Buschman, PhD, UC San Diego Health, February 11, 2020
"Two Enzymes Control Liver Damage in NASH: UC San Diego School of Medicine researchers halt further liver damage in mouse models", By Yadira Galindo, UC San Diego Health, February 6, 2020
"Immune Cell Identity Crisis: What Makes a Liver Macrophage a Liver Macrophage?" UC San Diego Health Newsroom, by Heather Buschman, October 3rd, 2019
"Three UC San Diego Researchers Receive Top Honors with NIH Director's Awards" UC San Diego Health Newsroom, by Alison Cadwell, Mario Aguilera, & Liezel Labios, October 1st, 2019
"UC San Diego Receives $9 Million in Grants to Pinpoint Cellular Cause of Type 1 Diabetes" UC San Diego News Center, by Yadira Galindo, August 13th, 2019
"UCSD scientists find possible link between eating fast-food and Type 2 diabetes" La Jolla Light, by Joe Tash, July 3rd, 2019
"Researchers Sudy Improvement in Patient Compliance and Screening Efficacy by Using the EyeArt AI Eye Screening System for Detecting Diabetic Retinopathy" Business Wire, June 5th, 2019
"Genetic Switch Controls Conversion of Bad to Good Fat" ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 May 2019. Materials provided by University of Utah Health.
"Fecal Transplant to Treat Obesity and Diabetes - Pilot studies raise more questions" MedPage Today, May 21st, 2019
"JUST THE FAQs: New Theory on Mitochondria's Role in Diabetic Complications" UC San Diego Health, by Yadira Galindo, February 24th, 2019
"Colorectal Cancer Stem Cell Growth Driven by High-Fat Diet and Altered Bile Acid Profile" Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, February 22nd, 2019
"Macrophages Influence Both the Replication and Function of Beta Cells" UC San Diego Health, by Yadira Galindo, January 4th, 2019
"Janelle Ayres awarded $1.8 million by NOMIS Foundation for research on mechanisms to promote health" Salk Institute, December 12, 2018
"Mapping the Pancreatic Islets" UC San Diego Health, by Yadira Galindo, October 24th, 2019
"$65 Million Earmarked for Drug Development in New UCSD Partnership" Times of San Diego, authored by Chris Jennewein, September 5th, 2018
"Enzyme plays a key role in calories burned both during obesity and dieting" ScienceDaily. Materials provided by University of California - San Diego. Original written by Yadira Galindo. February 2018.
"TBK1 at the Crossroads of Inflammation and Energy Homeostasis in Adipose Tissue"
"FGF21 Acts Centrally to Induce Sympathetic Nerve Activity, Energy Expenditure, and Weight Loss"
"Peptide Improves Glucose and Insulin Sensitivity, Lowers Weight in Mice," UC San Diego Health, authored by Yadira Galindo, February 7, 2018
"Eating Well with Diabetes," UC San Diego Health, authored by Melanie Peters, December 20, 2017
"5 Endocrinologist Tips for People With Diabetes," Healthgrades, authored by Kristin Kulusa, MD
"Top reports on obesity and liver health for 2017" Healio, features Rohit Loomba November 24th, 2017.
"How Chronic Inflammation Tips the Balance of Immune Cells to Promote Liver Cancer" UC San Diego Health by Heather Buschman, PhD, November 8th, 2017.
"Indigenous Insight" Triton Magazine by Yadira Galindo, features Keolu Fox, PhD
"Diabetes drug results positive, Ligand says," San Diego Union Tribune, features Robert Henry, MD (Emeritus), and Jeremy Pettus, MD
"How an old asthma drug could be a new diabetes treatment," UC San Diego Health, features Dr. Alan R. Saltiel, August 15, 2017.
"Asthma drug shows potential benefit for type 2 diabetics," The San Diego Union-Tribune, features Dr. Alan R. Saltiel, July 5, 2017.
"Could a 30-year-old asthma drug lead to a new treatment for diabetes?," by Arlene Weintraub, features Dr. Alan R. Saltiel, July 5, 2017.
"Inhibition of IKKɛ and TBK1 Improves Glucose Control in a Subset of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes," July 5, 2017.
"UC San Diego Partners with Janssen to Research New Approaches to Treat Metabolic Diseases," by Yadira Galindo, features Jerrold Olefsky, MD, June 15, 2017.
"Pathways Leading to Beta Cell Division Identified, May Aid Diabetes Treatment," by Yadira Galindo, features Maike Sander, MD, May 02, 2017.
"UC San Diego School of Medicine's Christopher Glass Joins National Academy of Sciences" by Heather Buschman, PhD and features Christopher K. Glass, MD, PhD, May 02, 2017.
"Carmel Valley resident joins more than 180 diabetes advocates for the American Diabetes Association's 2017 Call to Congress Advocacy Day", DEL MAR TIMES, features Dr. Alan R. Saltiel, April 24, 2017.
"Diabetes drug could be the first to reverse the disease,"New Scientist, features Stephanie Stanford, PhD, and Nunzio Bottini, MD, PhD, March 27, 2017.
"Gut health and weight loss: what you need to know - The microbes in your stomach could help you lose weight" on AOL Health quotes Rob Knight, PhD, faculty member of the IDMH Center for Integrative and Molecular Metabolism. Dr. Knight is Professor in the Department of Pediatrics and holder of an additional appointment in the Department of Computer Science.

Insulin Resistance Reversed by Removal of Protein - UC San Diego press release by Yadira Galindo, UC San Diego Health, November 3, 2016.
By removing the protein galectin-3 (Gal3), a team of investigators led by University of California School of Medicine researchers were able to reverse diabetic insulin resistance and glucose intolerance in mouse models of obesity and diabetes...
At right: Project Principal Investigator Jerrold Olefsky, professor of medicine in the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism at UC San Diego School of Medicine and faculty member, Center for Integrative Metabolism, IDMH
The Heat Is On. Dr Saltiel and his work are profiled in Discoveries Magazine, Volume 7, pages 32-33, 2016. Discoveries Magazine is a publication of UC San Diego Health Sciences.
How to Battle Cancer Linked to Obesity - By Alan Saltiel, PhD, and J. Silvio Gutkind, PhD, San Diego Union-Tribune, September 22, 2016.
New Institute for Diabetes and Metabolic Health Debuts at UC San Diego: Expansive effort will encompass both research and treatment of major national health issue. By Scott LaFee, UC San Diego Health Newsroom, June 9, 2016.
Leading Metabolics Researcher Joins UC San Diego School of Medicine: Alan Saltiel will head unified effort to create comprehensive diabetes center. By Scott LaFee, UC San Diego Health Newsroom, July 6, 2015.
The Connection Between Oxygen and Diabetes: A lack of O2 in fat cells triggers inflammation and insulin resistance in obesity. By Scott LaFee, UC San Diego Health Newsroom, June 5, 2014.